Contact: +1 (530) 400-1739

Logistic Gliders Inc. was founded in 2011 to develop innovations in aerial resupply. Our goal is to identify, develop, and flight test less expensive means of aviation logistic support. We are currently working on low-cost, attritable, unpowered & powered gliders.
Our gliders are low cost, long range, stealthy, attritable aircraft designed for humanitarian relief missions and autonomous agile cargo distribution in “contested logistics” and anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) environments. They are sized to deliver up to 1,600 pound (725 kg) payloads and can be deployed from cargo aircraft or helicopters. They are constructed with low cost materials and could land anywhere a parachute can.
Key Features:
Progress to Date:
Logistic Gliders has completed twenty-two (22) prototype glider flight tests at 100% scale. Prototypes were disposable single use by design, so each test required a new glider.
Potential Missions:
Technical Point of Contact:
Dr. Marti M. Sarigul-Klijn
Commander, U.S. Navy (retired)
Chief Engineer for Logistic Gliders Inc.
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